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Patch Application Instructions

Please Note: The straight side of the patch is the top side and should be applied above the eyebrow.  The half circle is the bottom and should cover the cheek bone area.

  1. Please wash hands before application.  It is important to prevent any bacteria, or dirt from being near the eye.
    • Please Note: We understand “busy parenting,” — sometimes cooking with spices, or gardening with foliage with sap can be going on simultaneously to patch application... but basically no child’s skin likes jalapeño from your fingertips under their adhesive for hours... trust us— we tried it.  Joking— we didn't, but we do have a story about mangos which cause allergic skin reactions. We know it seems obvious, but we can all be guilty of multi-tasking. So, just a gentle reminder for kids who “can do it all by myself” and adults on the go — please wash hands prior to application.  
  1.  Open the sterile packaging and remove the patch.  There is an arrow to make opening the wrapper easy.  Then remove the backing from the patch.
  1. Remove the backing from the patch - the same way you would remove the back from a bandage for a wound. The adhesive should now be exposed and ready to apply to your patchers face.
  1.  If your patcher is a baby/toddler, wiggly younger patcher— good luck.  Let the chase begin. Once you firmly have a hold of your little one, apply the patch to the prescribed eye.  If possible, try to keep your patcher calm and his/her face relaxed so the patch can be applied with minimal wrinkles and can lay flat.  Try to insure the occlusion/ dark area, is covering the eye. Gently press the edges of the patch with your finger tip. Lightly swiping the perimeter in a stroking manner can soothe the patcher as well as insure our gentle adhesive has a good hold.  

If your patcher is of the age where they can apply it to their own self, or want you to do it, but articulate enough to tell you in painstaking details of how much they do not want to wear a patch:

  • Take a deep breath and try to not let their emotions affect you (easier said than done)
  • Offer a small reward for easy cooperative application: a chocolate chip, a sticker, a small candy?
  1.  After the patcher sees the patch coming and you overcome the challenges of introducing patch time to an often non compliant patcher, make sure the patch is actually adhered right side up, evenly around the eye socket, with the darker occlusion inlay centered over eyeball, and there are no gaps to let light in.  Often times if the patcher is more relaxed and can keep both eyes closed there is no tension in the skin surrounding eyes. This makes the application easier and more effective. Once the patch is placed over the eye, gently press the patch to the skin so that See Worthy’s gentle adhesive can stay on.

So in summary — our easy steps to applying a See Worthy Patch:

1- Wash hands

2- Remove patch from box and wrapper

3- Remove the backing from the patch to expose the adhesive

4- Hold the patch in the correct position with the straight side on top and the curved edges at the bottom

5- Ask patcher to be still and relaxed as you apply the patch, from the nose side of eye out to the temple keeping the straight side of the patch to the brow area of the eye.

6 - Make sure the patch is gently pressed firmly in place

7- Reward immediately and distract for next few hours

To remove our patches:

Please carefully peel off the patch by starting at the top, straight edge of patch by the brow.  This will prevent some of the pulling of skin that occurs in removal. See Worthy Patches should be very easy to remove and cause no discomfort.  While other patches often cause redness, See Worthy Patches’ patented channeled adhesive application should be more gentle to the skin. If you find there is some irritation, try using a calming salve or oil to the area so that it can heal before the next time the child needs to wear a patch.