WHAT ITS LIKE TO SEE THE WORLD THROUGH A LAZY EYE- BY JOSEPH TUNNEY https://thewalrus.ca/what-its-like-to-see-the-world-through-a-lazy-eye/
Patching - the Original Vision Therapy Patching — the original Vision TherapyPatching ain’t easy. It’s hot, sticky, unfair. No one likes only using one eye. No one likes the potential social stigmas. Not parents nor the...
How Did I Get Into This? The See Worthy Story. At age 5, my daughter Eddy, was diagnosed with severe hyperopia with astigmatism, strabismus, refractive amblyopia, and an inflamed optic nerve.
Will patching have long term effects on my kids’ confidence? If your child has been prescribed patch wearing for his or her eyes, it was likely not the most welcomed news.